Thursday, July 10, 2008

Cosplay Models: Real life Japanime characters

Cosplay, or "costume play" is the art of dressing up as Japanese animation, video game, or manga (comic book) characters. Though this previously unheard of hobby is slowly becoming a household name as TV networks like MTV, G4TV, and various print media...
READ MORE - Cosplay Models: Real life Japanime characters

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Anime conventions war

What is in a Convention? This Article is for those that are into Anime/Manga (or Science Fiction and Fantasy as well) but are Not exactly sure about going to a Convention. Hopefully this article will diffuse any fears or uncertainties. Before I start,...
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Saturday, May 10, 2008

types of conventions: Anime conventions

I attend conventions. Even though I still have a narrow view on conventions compared to other con-goers, I can honestly contest that anime conventions are fascinating, amazing places. There are colors, sounds, people, and new experiences to be gained...
READ MORE - types of conventions: Anime conventions

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Different types of conventions: Anime conventions

Cosplay is a bit more involved than you may originally think. It's not just a matter of looking like the character, a good cosplayer has to be very knowledgeable about the character. Lots of time and effort go into making the costume, as well.Cosplay,...
READ MORE - Different types of conventions: Anime conventions

Monday, March 10, 2008

Anime conventions

While I have never personally been to an anime convention, I do know several people who have. There are many different types, from general ones to very select ones, though most are very general. In addition, while they don't really qualify as anime conventions...
READ MORE - Anime conventions