Sunday, January 6, 2013

Cosplay Jin Kisaragi & Ragna (Lost Saga) 2013

Jin Kisarafi dan Ragna adalah hero premium yang sangat disenangi dan di gandrungi oleh para gamers Lost Saga, mereka dalam game memiliki style dan gaya bertarung yang sangat keren dan sangat menarik sekali, tapi bagaimanakah antara cosplay...
READ MORE - Cosplay Jin Kisaragi & Ragna (Lost Saga) 2013

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Deadspace Ellie cosplay

Another member request has been made - although she is a bit messy (hey, she's a working girl on a space-station ffs!), everybody loves this cute engineer! Especially because... she can shoot things with her tools, she has a dirty mouth, and...
READ MORE - Deadspace Ellie cosplay

Monday, March 14, 2011

Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3: Minato Arisato

Minato Arisato is the main protagonist of the game, Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3. The player can change his name into whatever suits them best. He is unique among his cohorts as he has the ability to carry multiple Personas and switch between them in...
READ MORE - Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3: Minato Arisato

Hetalia: Axis Powers: Japan

I have decided to feature Aoi (蒼伊)’s cosplay of Hetalia: Axis Powers because of the 8.9 magnitude earthquake that struck the country on the 11th of March. Many people still need our help. Here is a short list of organizations where you can donate...
READ MORE - Hetalia: Axis Powers: Japan

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Kuroshitsuji: Drocell Cainz

A character who only appeared in the anime adaptation, Drocell Cainz used the Hope Diamond in order to kidnap chosen girls and turn them into dolls. He lured Elizabeth Middleford, Ciel's cousin and fiance, with the lullaby "London Bridge" from his music...
READ MORE - Kuroshitsuji: Drocell Cainz

Sexy Cosplay - Gallery Cosplay

sexy cosp...
READ MORE - Sexy Cosplay - Gallery Cosplay

Sexy Cosplay Of The Week: Sermemole

Here we are with another week, another Friday and we all know what that means here at the Nerdbastards HQ. It’s time for another (a)rousing edition of ‘Sexy Cosplay of the Week’, where nerds around the world get together and stare at the pretty woman...
READ MORE - Sexy Cosplay Of The Week: Sermemole